Heather is an energy worker using healing crystals - channelling crystal healing.

"I started my love of working with crystals about 10 years ago in fact they found me. I had been practising Reiki and energy work and I was looking for something else as an aid to holistic healing. Crystals came to me as a gift in the form of a niggling voice in my head. For many years I was being urged to use the crystals I had been given. At this point I could no longer ignore the guiding push to incorporate crystals into my healing work.

I could no longer ignore the guiding push to incorporate crystals within my healing work.

I used all my crystals on myself when I first began before I started working with others. I became amazed at their power and the relationship I was beginning to have with them. For me particularly, they worked on healing my emotional blockages, which were caused by years of hanging onto grief caused by a serious car accident I had in my teens. The crystals helped me immensely, overcome many obstacles, allowing me to see my way through issues I had hung onto. It was a deep and emotional healing that I felt. I was truly amazed and knew I had to share it.