Starlight Crystal Healing is not just another Healing Centre in Brisbane

Positioned in the Scenic Rim along the outskirts of breathtaking Kooralbyn, Starlight Crystal Healing Centre opens its doors for One Day Bush Retreats, Crystal Healing Sessions, and a selection of Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshops. The Scenic Rim Mountains and the Mt Warning area in northern NSW are known as the Green Cauldron and were once a volcanic hotspot. It is a haven for plants and animals, some of which exist nowhere else in Australia. Unspoilt by excessive commercialisation, Kooralbyn, whose colourful Aboriginal name means 'The Place of the Copperhead Snake', is situated 22 kilometres from the town of Beaudesert.

Starlight Crystal Healing’s location in the Qld Scenic Rim was deliberately chosen.

When you enter into the area of Kooralbyn there is a distinct feeling of serenity and relaxation. This is due to the high-frequency vibration of the cool bush vegetation, mountain streams, gorges and sweeping bushland. Submersing in the energies of Koralbyn takes you back thousands of years and gives you an experience, a sample of what clear energy and aligned connection feels like.

When living in the dense vibration of the city, aligning to a clear and flowing energy body/system is not easy. This is due to all the distracting electromagnetic frequencies.

Starlight Crystal Healing offers a space where every person that visits, once here, can feel the transforming energies of focus, presence, openness, alignment and healing. Whether you are a regular visitor to the space or new to the world of self-discovery makes no difference to how you gently unfold. The Crystal Healing Sessions with Heather are personalised to meet each individual at the level of their journey, Our Wellbeing Workshops are facilitated by a team who have years of experience in their chosen field. These facilitators also come together, holding small to medium groups for our amazing One Day Retreats, including nourishing vegetarian meals lovingly prepared by Narelle are nothing less than a sensation for the mind/body and soul.

Meet the Team

We love our team. Each brings their own expertise, heart and knowledge which is why our workshops are filled with such a variety of modalities. 

Workshop & Retreat Timetable

We offer a variety of workshops and retreat days during the year. Check out our Timetable to get more details on which workshops are upcoming and scheduled. You can also register from the timetable page to secure your spot for future events.